Technical Services
We provide a 30min consultation with one of our Expert Hair Artists. There is a small fee of $50 which is completely redeemable off your prescribed product purchase.
Your consultation will include a full scalp & hair analysis, hair goals, achievement & time process, itemized quote, prescription regime & booking availability.
Total Regrowth Colour $109
Suitable every 5-8weeks – Maintain your roots between a full colour to keep your hair looking fabulous
(30 mins)
Global Balance $135 - $190
We recommend you to have a full colour every 6-12 weeks to keep your colour looking seamless and fresh.
(30-60 mins)
Extra Short Colour
Reshade $52
Full Colour $67
Add a few $85
If you need a few foils to keep you going in between appointments of just want a little extra brightness around the face.
(30 mins)
Face Framer $149 -$170
(45 mins)
½ head $190 - $215
(60 mins)
Scattered Foils $250 - $280
Full Head $285 - $350
(120 mins)
Fashion Techniques
Fashion Balance $210 - $280
Perfect for short hair, balance the roots and ends with up to 5 foils for variation and texture.
(60 - 90 mins)
Colour Correction POA
Corrective Services are only offered after an initial consultation and at the salons discretion. This is priced on an hourly rate and is fully inclusive of colour, treatments & styling that is required
Platinum Blondes – On scalp lightener
Maintenance is required every 4-5 weeks
Initial Visits/Full Head from $280 - $450
4-5 week retouch $185 - $200
(30-90 mins)
*All prices are subject to change or extra charge for extra thickness and length. | For an accurate quote please book for a consultation.